bYBSeZZ0 400x400 - Testimonials

Pay It Forward

Love Comes Full Circle this Month through a Special Donor!

DavidPatrickSuzzanePatrick2020 525x700 - Testimonials


Subscriber Testimonials

“Tremendous job with this service! Your methodology is awesome on its own and because of its strong foundation and principles, is flexible and easily integrated into any plan one is trying to develop on his/her own. I’ve never seen anything like your service and value highly what you are teaching. If I never took a trade all year, the price paid for a year of your subscription is well worth the education and far more valuable than 99% of the classes I took in college.”

— Andre

“I love your work and have learned a lot while making money!!! I am a swing long trader with an equity portfolio. I look at your ideas for swing trades or long equity positions (nothing like starting with some momentum). Also I have more of a value orientation, and it was hard to analyze stocks that seemed high to me. Your methodology gives me a way to think about stocks that have momentum.”

— John



“Tremendous job with this service! Your methodology is awesome on its own and because of its strong foundation and principles, is flexible and easily integrated into any plan one is trying to develop on his/her own. I’ve never seen anything like your service and value highly what you are teaching. If I never took a trade all year, the price paid for a year of your subscription is well worth the education and far more valuable than 99% of the classes I took in college.”

— Andre

“I love your work and have learned a lot while making money!!! I am a swing long trader with an equity portfolio. I look at your ideas for swing trades or long equity positions (nothing like starting with some momentum). Also I have more of a value orientation, and it was hard to analyze stocks that seemed high to me. Your methodology gives me a way to think about stocks that have momentum.”

— John


I am a newbie and I found your team very effective, successful, educative and informative. I really appreciate all your efforts.



Exceptional weekend video this week. Thanks for spending the extra time to cover everything, it is very much appreciated!


Two weeks in, just wanted to say thanks, doing great with your insights!

Up $5,000 in that time, probably only taken 5% of the things you suggested, up on UDOW, UBNT, ROKU and HUYA, just long stock, no calls.

MAN, do I wish I’d hopped on-board at the beginning of January! 😀


Great service. Great trading methodology. Loved the Futures videos you just posted in the last couple days.


Hi David,
Thank you for making a video like this. It was very helpful to look over your shoulder and how you used multiple time frame analysis.



It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you for taking the time to provide valuable insight about the market and answering our questions. We feel a lot more confident now.

In the past the content of your service was always good. But, for the past month or so the content has been even better.
p.s. Your tweet today about XLNX, reminded me about the trade. I got in, scaled and swinging the rest. And good MVU. Thanks.————————————————————————————


Happy 6th Anniversary! I still remember making a bundle off the FAS trade you tweeted from around the Thanksgiving before the launch. 🙂 And you’re still the best, most-transparent trader I’ve ever come across. Keep up the great work!



David congratulations on your 6th year. You run a fantastic service!!!



Congratulations and thank you for the great 6 years.
I have been member since day 1 and you always provide a great service for us.



Learned endlessly the last 6 years


Thank You. FYI: Umm … I now trade price, not loyalty nor conviction. 🙂


Still the best insight and commentary on the market! Congrats.


I signed up less than 24 hours and am already incorporating some of the stuff I saw on your site into my intraday ZB and YM trading, so looking forward to the future.

You definitely have the most outstanding stock trading service out there


Your service is incredible, and I’ve learned to view the markets through a new lens. Thanks for all of your support.

Paul G


You have made me a lot of money and taught me a lot. Your service is worth every penny.

Michael A.


Thank you so very much for all that you do for us subscribers, and cheers to another hopefully super profitable upcoming year like the one we just had this past year!!!!!


Randi 🙂


Thanks !! Great day trading Es in no trend market using ROE priority Fitzstock trading system



All 3 paid, getting better and better on this 5min chart 👊👍


Your service is paying large dividends by staying patient and taking on trades with 5 min ROE. Been paying nicely in this market. Thanks Fitz. 👍🏼


love these “real time” play by play calls with NVDA. more of these, please 🙂


Excellent little scalp trade – thank you Fitz!


monster day in NTES 😀


You smoked the other side on that short!! YATZEE!!!


Absolute YAHTZEE year for us!!!


SPLK was a great entry from the ESFL. Options doubled! Thanks for putting that on the list.


Fitz CWUS paying FAT!!!!


Meanwhile, I am up 159% on AAPL $200 September calls you recommended earlier. 😁😁😁. Thank you!


Bought AMZN roe on 5 min. Scaled half and then closed altogether above 50 sma. YAHTZEE!


Good morning David. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the work you put into this service. I’m actually employed full time ,so not much of a trader. I find your guidance very helpful in having growth in some retirement accounts and some small (but growing) investments. Very much appreciated! You’ve made a difference for me and my family.

You said last year “AMZN will see 1300 before earnings”
So on 11/24 I bought my “Fitz”AMZN Feb 1240/1300 call spread for $15.87. Now it’s $36.18
Thanks dude!!

Hi David,
Hope you had a peaceful and happy holiday season with your family and friends. I want to wish you a New Year filled with lots of love, laughter and good health!
Thank you for a hugely successful year of trading!! Also, big thanks for your teaching videos that help us all to trade like ROBOTS and follow ROE!
Cheers to another great year!! (What an awesome start we’ve had!)

What a week, killing it with options. Thanks to you, I could not do this without your trading knowledge and expertise.
Fitz you created great education and trading analogy.
The most important thing you taught me “discipline”. when to trade & when to sit. and the #1 trade set up. 🙂
Thank You
Mark B.

Just wanted to reach out and thank you for a great 2017. We chatted on the phone midway through the year and I appreciate the time for that as well. I have a poker background and thought 7 years ago I would transition into trading and start printing money. Boy was I wrong. After 2 blown up accounts and trying every strategy in the book I was no further than when I first started. I could tell I was getting more knowledgeable and a much better chart reader(I was putting in 40-60) hours a week, but it did translate into results. Once I finally did away with futures and decided to give options a try, for some reason I gave your site a look and best decision I ever made. From this March -end of year, I turned roughly 50k into 500k. I felt like I was really close to turning the corner, but for some reason your way of looking at the market, Methodology, risk management, etc, clicked and I was much more consistent. I don’t trade the same way u do(my timeframe is longer, typically 1-3 weeks if a trade is working), I scale slower, but have made this trading strategy my own. I feel it is important to trade your personality. Mistakes I made and won’t do in 2018 is trying to do any day trade, using weekly options, or putting on too many positions at once. I probably cost myself 150k from doing this.With this I have been able to pay off 2 cars, rest of wife’s student loans, and prefund a charitable account for a few years. After taxes, I will now have a much bigger base to hopefully put up consistent years.Seems like from other info i read and ur video today trading will be much tougher for first month or two in 2018. I plan on taking things slow to get off to a good start hopefully.Thanks again, and I owe u a nice steak dinner if we ever cross paths. All the best and happy new year.



2013-2018 subscriber testimonials

David: I love your work and have learned a lot while making money!!! I am a swing long trader with an equity portfolio. I look at your ideas for swing trades or long equity positions (nothing like starting with some momentum). Also I have more of a value orientation, and it was hard to analyze stocks that seemed high to me. Your methodology gives me a way to think about stocks that have momentum

Thank you so much for offering your guidance like this, David. Your insight is invaluable. I look forward to my consultation!
Good morning David,
The entire service is terrific, clear & not complicated. Your focus on the risk/reward trading as been a real eye opener for me. Your years of experience is apparent in all aspects. Thanks for everything!
I cannot tell you how informative and helpful you are. I could go on and on. Thank you for what you are doing!
I am fascinated how well you manage your charts with KISS comments. I am absolutely happy with this service that I consider unique with a lot of value added
I’ve been very impressed at the first week of service. Thanks for keeping the swing traders in mind, even though you are a day trader at heart. Keep up the great work!
David –
I think what you’re doing with the Premium Service is fantastic. It is very informative and the charts are terrific. Thank you!
Tremendous job with this service! Your methodology is awesome on its own and because of its strong foundation and principles, is flexible and easily integrated into any plan one is trying to develop on his/her own. I’ve never seen anything like your service and value highly what you are teaching. If I never took a trade all year, the price paid for a year of your subscription is well worth the education and far more valuable than 99% of the classes I took in college. Pound for pound the best service out there, YAHTZEE!


I like your thought process with options not only does it limit risk but helps one stay with a position when it goes against you (but still within your stop). I have been searching for a way to trade individual US share options from the UK through a good UK online platform but I have yet to find anyone. Please let me know if any of your other subscribers have come across anyone that offers this service.
In the meantime thanks for providing such a wonderful service. It’s improving by the day and the real time tweets help build confidence in pulling the trigger on a trade. I only traded once this week (bought google for 4 hours on Friday – Yahtzee!) but would have held back had you not reinforced it with a tweet. I’m also very grateful for the background education. I have already learned so much from you in such a short time!
Ashley M

Hi David,
Thank you so much for CWSU, Daily update and tweets intraday
God bless you and your family.
Thanks again,
I’m still learning, but once i get execution and placement of stops down, you are going to make me alot of money I can just see how your technique works. Thank you for sharing your system with me, I truly appreciate it.
Hey David
Your subscription service has exceeded my expectations with the detailed charts and market overview.
I really appreciate your time today. I am enjoying learning all that I can about your disciplined trading strategy. While I have been studying investment policy for ten years and trading options for just one year, I have been brokering teeth in orthodontic practice for 15 years…and I have come to believe that it takes at least 10 years of full-time practice to develop true expertise. I am convinced that in your 15 years in finance you have become a true expert in options trading. I look forward to studying and applying everything that you plan to teach Fitzstock subscribers. I look forward to how you will educate less experienced options trading subs as I regarding how to be optimally positioned for the inevitable market downturn.
My sincere thanks for your investment of time and energy in the financial security of my family,
Hi David,

Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be making use of the free consultation, I just picked the yearly for the discount. Thanks for the offer though, I know some veteran traders that charge upwards of $500/hour for this kind of stuff.

I think you’re doing a great job. Keep it up.

— Andre

Your style is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I am 100% delighted with your service.I have been using entry points from your charts, and considering your comments on each chart. I’m convinced that if I stick with you, cut my losses early, and take the emotion out of it, I can easily reach my goals. My biggest problem is taking gains too early. I buy calls and puts – I’m not opposed to spreads but don’t really know which side to buy and which to sell.


Charlotte airport on way back to Houston. Little cocktail on a Friday. Weekend is here!
Seriously though, you are REALLY doing a service to all of us wannabetraders here. Do not underestimate this!

Hey David,

Thanks for the consultation and the guidance. Nice chatting with you.
I’ll work on structuring my orders and stops properly (my biggest challenges thus far.)
Gotta master the risk management, as you said.

You mentioned others have told you how some subscription services are sorely lacking this. This is an understatement.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks again,


By the way, following you has already begun to Erode my bad habits
I.e., picking bottoms, chasing, etc

Hey David.
I just wanted to send you a short email to thank you for
the work you’re doing. I’m liking the service more and more each
week, and I find your approach and communication style to be very much
in line with my own sensibilities. It might be me, but since you’ve
launched your service it seems to me like you’ve relaxed a bit more (
I’m sure you much busier now though ), and I look forward to hearing
from you daily.
I’m not one of these guys that yells and screams from the sidelines,
or asks a bunch of questions just for the hell of it. ( I will when
I’ve got something important to ask or don’t know something ). I
watch and learn and trade when I’m ready and in the mood. . As I read CWUS each week and review the charts you send, I feel
like I’ve got a good partner on my team and I’m becoming more patient
about when to pull the trigger on a trade.Anyhow, you’re doing a great job and I wanted you to know that I appreciate it.Have a great long weekend with you family. See you Tuesday !


Hi David,
Thanks very much for the great calls this week. I appreciate the calls and also your focus on risk management which I have been missing to my detriment.



Hi David,
That write up is very helpful.
I have spent a lot of time over the past few weeks trying to work out my implementation of your system based on my account and position size. Great service!


Special Yahtzees for AAPL short, covered 90% already. Keep the runner overnight


thank you for teaching me to be more careful and conservative its always so tempting to throw on a trade when excited..i need to follow more strategic thinking and planning as you teach ..thanks gain (:


Your method works! I made a couple hundred in this down market and got stopped on my last runner.Im happy that im more discplined as a trader and not buy on emotions eversince i joined your service. I actually have a method.
Even if im making only a couple hundred here and there i feel more confidence about the market and trading.Thanks David!


Your FB call was Uncanny!

David,I wanted to thank you for making my trading more mechanical. Thanks to your ideas and methodology, the “P” is starting to go up and the “L” is slowly starting to go down in my P&L. I want to be up for consultation when you open it up again.


David –

You made my day yesterday with your recommendation of corporate preferred stocks.
I do have a good percentage of cash on the sidelines right now, and I may deploy just enough to pay you and me for the year.


I sent you two new members this past week! Keep up the good work.


I just finished reading your emailI wanted to compliment you in what you have put together for those of us who have been trading for years blindly.I have been mostly sitting on the sidelines (95% cash) the last few weeks and am impressed watching what you say come to fruition.Some times you send out a recommendation and I sit here and say no way can that happen. And then low and behold you are correct.I am learning to take the emotion out of my trading decisions and to trust the charts.It gives me assurance that you are excellent at what you do. Keep up the great work.I hope you keep this service going for many years.
Thank You


Your subscribers are growing like ‘mushrooms after the rain’. It’s a Russian expression which means multiplying like crazy. That’s how you know you’re offering an amazing service. It’s awesome.



Very good chart work. You obviously put a lot of time into this.

Your strengths appear to lie in riding the trend and in trading breakouts or breakdowns. I understand the philosophy. It’s in the practicality I have trouble. So often the breakouts (or breakdowns) fail and reverse, and I get shaken out. Then I look at the chart a day or two later, and there is the successful trade. Or I’m “afraid” of taking the breakout, and there she goes! Very frustrating. I guess the answer is trading smaller, using wider stops, and in trying to utilize your methodology consistently and systematically.
Not sure I’m looking for the holy grail from you (but it would help!), just verbalizing my thoughts. Will try to focus on your charts exclusively this week and go from there.

Have a great weekend.


Dear David,Thank you SO MUCH for your very clear FAS put postings today!!!SO HELPFUL to me and I was able to jump right on board that trade with you! Another plus is that it was within my option level – so easy!And, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to see the screen turn, and STAY, green for a change!Wow! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :). I stayed very small and bought 2, but did exactly what you said and am SO GLAD I let the runner “run”! Typically, in my old strategy, I would NOT have let my runner run, but would have tackled him as soon as possible, thus ending the run. Ha! Definitely NOT as effective as your strategy!Also, appreciated your EARLY thoughts on holding your runners overnight…again, VERY helpful!!THANKS SO MUCH & have a GREAT night!!!Looking Forward To More SUCCESSFUL Learning Experiences!


First of all I have thoroughly enjoyed your CWUS service these past few weeks. The technical information is excellent, well timed and actionable. But what I like most is the humble manner in which you communicate these wonderful ideas rather than the obnoxious trader attitudes I have seen so often from Wall St professionals and internet gurus!Secondly, if at all possible could you please convert my monthly membership to an annual contract? If I need to do this myself thru your website, please advise and i will take care of it. My request is not so much to achieve the yearly discount but to demonstrate my commitment to CWUS and hopefully have a brief 15 to 30 minute consultation.



Your CWUS calls are excellent, and they have been since I’ve followed you. Hope to work with you for a long time. And… another green week for me.PS. Ill have a couple new members for you in the next few weeks.


I would like to comment and say how awesome FCPS has been! Being able to earn a sizable income while going to school is extremely helpful(no job yay!).

FCPS has been quite enjoyable by the way you keep the comedy fresh on the charts and with your posts. Thank you for putting in a concerted effort with your daily updates, debriefs, explanations and of course CWUS.


I have the training with you in April. Can hardly wait for your input on what to do with this large account.Thanks again for all your hard work, service & charts. I would not attempt to do this without you!Studying your charts now, making a worksheet of trades for next week. Excited but cautious.Have a great weekend!



Hello David,
Thanks once again for your wonderful advice over the last month. The education and guidance you are providing is just fantastic. The real time updates on twitter have been a big help to my trading both in helping me have the courage to actually push the button when trades engage, and also in relation to risk management i.e. taking some off and letting runners run! The biggest downfall to my trading success over the years has been poor execution even when the idea has been sound and the twitter support on top of the daily updates is really helping me execute better than ever before.

What is even more impressive is the humility with which you deliver your guidance with the honesty to debrief losing trades as well as winners. This is something many gloss over or don’t even admit to. But as we know you can often learn more by analysing losing trades than winning ones.

I wish you continued success. You deserve it.

Hi David
I love your picks and your service.
thanks and keep up the great work!
Hi David,

I just wanted to let you know how much I like your service. I became a follower of yours on Twitter just prior to your switching over to the paid service. I’m so glad I found you.
Thanks again for the great guidance. I really like you chart art and of course your market savvy and suggested trades are excellent.



Great chart on the AAPL MACD weekly … I have known for years to pay attention to that indicator on the weekly but have done so very inconsistently. I have watched it turn UP on an hourly chart but into the teeth of a weekly downtrend … and of course it’s just a sniper trade that often doesn’t work.
Those turns in the weekly chart also dovetail/overlay very nicely with the 10-day SMA …. as you say, KISS.

Thanks for your great work
I wanted to take the time to thank you because you have absolutely changed the game for me. A week after our initial consultation my trading account hit its all-time low of $2000. I decided to completely use the ROE and 5 essentials at that point, to trade with conviction and started to really just focus on price, and not what I thought might happen. I have been long and short apple intraday, and long google for the last few weeks. My account now is back to $26,000. And I am sitting in cash right now. Thanks again!


Hi David.
I just want to say thanks for the mentoring . You obviously know your stuff but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is easy to teach /communicate it. I have been in education for many years and would like to say that you explain clearly and concisely so that even a relative novice can pick up on your methodology.
I am enjoying the experience.
I realize I am in danger of being psycho-fanatic but am truly grateful for the help I am receiving and it has made me positive about the future and trading.



Your teaching me a lot about trading the stubs that seems to be the most important part.
1. buy your initial position on new highs
2. scale in on early confirmations of the trade.
3. scale out on outsized gains and leave a runner.
4. wait for new flags or intermediate/short term breakouts to scale back into position or roll to further strikes.
5. repeat!
Thanks Dave!




I wanted to compliment you on your service. I appreciate the fact that you want your subscribers to learn not just follow. That is awesome.



Just want to say thanks, by following your cwus (not 100%, just the one where i also have a good feel and using your cwus to confirm) i have earned close to 30k ytd!Hope you realize what this money means to me, i will continue subscribing your service this year! Keep up the great work and thanks again



Thanks I appreciate it. Ill upgrade for sure. That’s where I want to get is answer to myself and be with my kids when they need me. Once your an entrepreneur and have success, I think that ruins your corporate mind set, I just can’t play these games for the rest of my life. I believe it that the turnover in trading is high. I looked into being a financial planner that’s where my heart lies is helping people become financially independent, but those brokerages what you to work for free for a year. All in all thanks for all your advice and help the last couple of weeks.



Although I have not been able to capture your entries like I would like, my trading has improved since I’ve subscribed. For me, you’ve calmed me down and given me a better reference to trade. I understand your methodology and wouldn’t want you to change as I try to get to where you are. Love the service.Thanks,


hi david,
i just want you to know that your service is really educational. i am more concerned with learning how and why you trade then trading. one observation i have is most of the time your high beta entries could be traded in and out by noon. that is pretty awesome! have a great day,



I appreciate these updates. Helps keep us in line and remind us of our own trading rules.
Thanks and have an awesome day
You sum up your thought process so well, thank you.
I literally “feel” like I am sitting on a trading floor getting coached by a veteran.
Just by the way, I am very happy with the service you are providing thus far. I found that I had hit a plateau in my development and other services were missing either the informational aspect or the real time aspect.

You encompass both and more. I don’t trade as a day trader, strictly speaking, but you are relating to swing trading as well and you are the first person other than myself I have seen leave a runner, something I have found worthwhile.

Essentially, in one approach you are day, swing, and trend trading. I have been developing a system very similar but certainly don’t have the experience that you bring to the table. I appreciate you extending your knowledge and (hopefully) lowering my learning curve as a result.

Thank you,



Hi David,

You have a great eye for Historical charts, I’m learning a lot from your service.
The hair cut I took earlier in the week, will better prepare me for the future with your guidance.
Keep up the good work, wish I had found a service like yours 10 years ago!

Enjoy the weekend with your family

Ron J.


Thanks David for all your hard work. I’m really enjoying this service. Btw, it is the best one out there! Your experience, sanity and trade ideas are greatly beneficial.

Have a good day!




Just wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job.



Thank you David for my first profitable AAPL trade in a very long time. Very happy to see the subscription fee get paid today! Took off 3/4 on your well-timed don’t be greedy tweet with just a runner now.

Mark. M


You’ve been spot on..Been following you since 2011


Thanks for a quick response. You are simply amazing and always provide great insight.
Thanks again,



Normally I would have gotten chopped up these last 17 days. Love the
FCPS service so far. Daily updates are great for having the right
strategy coming into the day. Appreciate all the hard work you’re
putting in.



My account used to cycle wildly between big gains and big losses because I didn’t understand price action and proper position sizing. I feel like your system is the first time I’ve truly understood the rules that put the odds in my favor.

Thank you very much,

Hey David
When will you be offering monthly subscribers the option to convert to a yearly subscription rate ? I’ve had your service for 3 months now and it shouldn’t take anyone more than 90 days to figure out their life………….. I want to convert whenever you are ready to do so.




David – just thought I would say a really big “Thank You!”
Tomorrow closes the 7th consecutive week of profitable trading for me. The ordered thinking that CWUS teaches, plus the commentary, has been a big contributor to this success.
Awesome service! Life changing strategies that are going to start paying for more than vacations.
$100 a month has led to a lot of education and a lot of profit. Best investment I have made by far of any service I have participated in for option trading. A little hard work plus an excellent guide to correct thinking – PRICELESS!
Beth & Bill


Great thanks. I went to lunch and came back to find PSX paid fat regardless of entry. Thanks so much. Some day I would like to hear why you bother with the subscribers since you are so good at this yourself.




Enjoy the long weekend with your family and Have a Happy Easter. If Easter isn’t your thing then just enjoy the long weekend!

Thanks for all the hard work. I’ve yet to really capitalize on it however, although I feel I am in the right direction and learning a great deal.

All the best,




Hey Mr. Patrick !I´m a relativly new subscriber to your service from Germany ( i
started 3 weeks ago ) and i know ( you wrote this too ) that since
then it has not been the easiest environment for
swingtrading/daytrading. But with impyling your rules and beeing
patient ( i traded only small size ) i was able to earn the yearly
costs of your service within the frist two weeks… keep the great
work going on. The best is yet to come i think…;)Have a great weekend and thank you very much !


Hard work and PATIENCE! You deserve a good 3 day rest! CWUS for pres!




Congratulations on an incredible week. Your service is outstanding. Can’t wait until next week. Thanks.



thanks for your dedication and HARD WORK to get us the BEST service out there !!!
Spreadsheet is great addition
Thanks again.



Your service and education are fabulous – thank-you



These spreadsheets are fantastic. Thank you sir. Loving the service more and more each day



Hello David,
How does the market makers stay in business with CWUS, LOL!
Took gains in puts for CAT, CF, DE and holding puts in AAPL, MS, TXN which are all green!
Puts are my favorite option to trade.
Stalking the others to engage!
Thanks so much!



David – Just wanted to tell you that I guess combined to rules today to great success

Beth & Bill


The initiation of this engagements spreadsheet is a FABULOUS tool…thank you.



Can i just say you’re awesome. And I don’t just mean the great picks (because they are great and you KNOW it), but because you’re dedication to this service continues to astound me. I’ve paid for other mentors before and they don’t teach me anything. They never discuss their losses. These follow through charts, the google spread sheets, etc. etc. it’s just really wonderful.



Hello David,
First of all YatZhee on AAPL Put 😉
I am still holding my AAPL 440 put … … Amazing profit now 70% almost …



As always, thanks for all your hard work and insights. I’m glad the service is working out so well for everyone. As we’d say on the eastside, you’re quite a mensch!



I hope all of your subscribers are as enthused and benefiting from your service as much as me. Your service is at the top of the value chain for investing/trading services, in my opinion!



Your service has been great especially through this choppy market (another thing i struggle with – patience, patience, patience…. No need to trade everyday). I can’t wait for your picks when the market eventually is in a confirmed trend – whether in an uptrend or downtrend.

Like I’ve said before, keep the picks, debriefs and other knowledge you share coming my way.
Have a good weekend.


Thanks David

I’m one of those that wants to know the why behind the recommendations more than just the what.

As you know, most sites just give what to trade with no reason. (Probably because they dont know why themselves). You expand and explain on the reason which is invaluable education.

Teach a man to fish and he’ll never go hungry.



I love all the debriefs and I have been trading over 10 years




I know you’re scouring the markets, keep up the great work, love the service!



I can’t thank you enough for teaching me the discipline I needed. I was a trader without an anchor floating around the market looking for a methodology that would work for ME. Your setups are awesome but without your rules to adhere to it would be nothing.
As an example, today I missed the entry on M so instead of jumping on the rising tide (lots of sea references today ;^) I waited for the pullback to the entry price and then bought in when I saw it start to advance. I NEVER would have done that in the past and that’s a big accomplishment for me.

Getting a little better every day thanks to you….


The EBAY debrief is an important lesson that you’ve taught me. I was feeling impatient and wanted to sell, but I stuck by your principles, and today…BOOM. Excellent!
Patience and keep the stop. 🙂

Thanks again,

You asked who took the SNDK trade. I entered the options @ 4.95 5contracts. Sold 2c @ 5.50 & another 2c @ 5.50 when you said to close ½, have a 1c runner. Plan to increase the size of the trades a bit in the coming weeks as your charts have worked very well.
Yesterday I did the WMT & CREE trades, both winners.
Thanks for the FCPS service!


Hi David,

Thank you for the CWUS and education. I was able to benefit from WMT calls yesterday and SNDK calls today.

Are you still accepting yearly subscriber? If so, I would like to sign up.



Your service is really one of the most straight forward ones out there.
You give clear messages.
Thanks –


EBAY – Yahtzee! Closed out from Monday entry about and hr before the close today…30%

Great week



Wow a lot of stocks engaged the last three days to many to handle for me its like a buffet-
Awesome service your running and great chart work, very comfortable!
I am here because I need to learn how to have more conviction and let the winners run!!!
Thank you for all your hard work!




I haven’t gotten to scream yahtzee yet, but definitely scoring some good coin. Good job man !!!
Bro, you’re killin it…. Luvin the action

Dr. Lee

Yahtzee !!!! on BIIB
Kudos !! This is how you run a service, no nonsense, very professional. I envision being a client for a lonnnnng time. Have a great weekend. Go Bucs !!

Dr. Lee


Thanks! Love your service!



I am often quiet, but know that you are the best I’ve ever seen David.
I am unlearning my BAD habits and learning your ROE that make for profit.
Many thanks.


Sent from my iPad



First off, I know you might hear it a lot but hopefully you don’t get tired of hearing it – great, great service. I’ve subscribed to a lot of things the past 6-7 years and your level of work, effort, dedication, and results is just astounding, smashing all other things I’ve ever subscribed to by far. I’ve told numerous friends about you and I know at least one that has signed up.

I have learned a ton and the education and new trading habits I am forming and applying are of great value



Hey I just wanted to say thanks for all the amazing work you’ve been doing. It is obvious the hours you put into this service, and the dedication you have to helping us grow as traders. I have been doing fairly well but feel I could use additional help with my trading (consultation).
I hope to take advantage of your new service.



I had a great week thanks to CWUS. Can’t tell how I look forward to Saturday mornings to see what have in store for us. Very happy to be a member of YOUR “club”. I want you to know I appreciate the many tweets you give daily to help with your process.Thanks for everything!


I’m glad you slip a snake eyes or two into the mix to keep us on our toes. Otherwise, it would be so boring just trimming profit, and rolling runners, and yahtzeeing all day!



Just wanted to thank you for the time you spent with me today. I really enjoyed our conversation and learned a lot. I am really looking forward to working with you in the future.I listened to what you said about PCLN. After we got off the phone I pounced on it for a quick $600 profit. Thanks for an incredible week. Your selections are truly amazing.Mark


Your service is unbelievable! I have watch list set for your CWUS setups, and I will have a sticky of when they engage so I can keep track. It also helps while I’m at work. Thank you for your services.


Good morning David,
Love your commentary. You answered all of my questions before I even thought of them!
Got all three of your put trades yesterday = nice green $!
Your service is the very best!
Thanks for all!
Happy trading!!!

I just to let you know how helpful the daily updates and spreadsheet are

The clearest, most concise trading service I’ve seen and I’ve looked at a lot of them. Thank you!



Thanks for the service btw, its going well. I have my own options experience, used to work at an Investment Banks, and I use your charts to put on my own options trades.



I will be smiling (a lot) this weekend,…your method works…

I am leaving my emotions
with my wife every morning… again… thanks
and have a great smiling weekend.



I congratulate you for your professionalism and integrity, traits that are hard to find these days.

God bless



Trading is going ridiculously well !!



Yahoo already paid for my subscription. Thanks!!



Thanks for working your tail off to keep us disciplined David.
Profits coming in with entire account up over 20% the last couple weeks.
Many thanks.



I plan on keeping the service with you ,you truly are a BEAST!
I have a rather large trading account and so liquidity within the etf or stock is key for me. I don’t have to trade everyday but want to make the most of opportunities when they present themselves. My virtual trades with you and on my own in the past 6 months have been killer



I am pretty good at reading charts but my greatest weakness BY FAR is patience…or lack there of. i probably would have cut bait before at a slight loss but now its a slight gain 🙂



Thanks for all you’re doing for us, David. The service is amazing

Again — so appreciate everything!
Have a great weekend,

Dear David,
First of all I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the great service that you provide and all the hard work that you put in. For the first time in many years I am making some progress with my trading.I have been a subscriber for almost two months and would like to change it to an annual subscription

I wanted to tell you your service has taught me a lot and you have been by far the most consistent trader I’ve followed. I’m glad that I found your service via Twitter.



I cant even tell you how much time is wasted by most trying to figure out what the market is gonna do. your a genius!



no need to mentioned that you ROCK 🙂

Keep up the yahtzee work 🙂

good morning Dave
fitz subscribers r laughing our way to the bank…
thanks and have a great day…

Hi David
Its been another great week.


I’ve been doin this for over 20 years….. what a walkoff on REGN….. Kudos !!



Really do enjoy your service and market insight.

The on-going Twitter feeds are very helpful – one of the best things you do to support your members.



I have really been practicing roe and the essentials and they really work!
You taught me how to trade and I truly am grateful.Chad


I know you don’t need me to tell you that you’re doing s great job, man. But you are. Thanks for everything
You are changing peoples lives. I hope you know that and are getting a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from that.
Keep up the good work

Have a great weekend, David. I’ll see you for CWUS tomorrow as usual


Hi David,
Going slow and learning your methodology. Making very nice money but keeping risk in check. Look forward to the months ahead and having a trader consultation with you at some point when I’m better informed. Right now, grateful for your insight via email and Tweets.

Thanks much,


thanks for all you do. I can’t take every trade, but the ones I do take are rocking big time. Unreal.



Dear David:

I have over 10+ years in the biz as a stock trader.
Congrats on the high win rate %! Well done!


Just wanted to drop you a note

I’ve subscribed to several different services and yours is hands down the best especially considering the low price. Your down to earth method and repeatedly keeping your sub’s expectations in check is also something not normally seen in market products



Hi great job your doing. You make me wish I was 20 instead of 60 so I could have learned all of this sooner. You are helping a lot of people
Your service is a great equalizer for the common man.



I took 2 trades this morning and Payed the Bills.

Time to go do my day Job.

Keep up the good work.



Your charts are simple to read. I wish I had more capital, might start playing with some options and follow your plan. I see you use a five min chart to enter your trades. Will review your debriefing chart tonight.

Thank you,


Hello Fitz!

So many trades. Thanks you’re amazing man!



Thanks. On a side note, you may want to consider fitztaxplanning next. I have to figure out my tax strategy on the money I’m making. 🙂



Thanks for all your help. I know you’re well aware of the impact you are having on people based on the feedback you’re receiving and publishing, and I certainly add mine to that.



You’re awesome. Like training wheels in a padded room.


Ever since I came on board my trades have been well defined with goals and stops and learning to take my emotions out of play and follow price. Letting runners run and raising stops and not being emotional about “selling a top” or catching a bottom.

Thanks look forward to more learning!



Thank you! I’m getting there! Playing very small ball till I am 100% comfortable with your style and have it down! 🙂 It’s a work in progress! Congrats on some great picks, but as you said………if you miss an entry, so what, there are and will be tons of setups. 🙂

Nice work!

Hi David,

I have just completed two months with your service and I am extremely grateful. Your methodology, the ROE, “letting the winners run”, CWUS,
trade price, etc.has helped me tremendously. I appreciate your straightforward approach and management of risk….I believe that in addition to all of the aforementioned,your teaching about patience and letting the trades breathe has been instrumental to a nicely improving PnL for myself.




Enjoying the service so far
I’m getting use to your Methods and have read most of the web site thru. Thanks.



Your ability to read the markets has been beyond amazing.




Appreciate your long hours and hard work.
Always great analysis and guidance David.
Many.many thanks.


Hey David,

This is my first week on your service so I am still learning your methodology. Have been very impressed with your setups…have made some small trades just getting familiar with everything both using your setups and some I found on my own that are similar to yours.



good morning Dave…
thanks for all the debriefs…
i looked at everyone (whether i was in or not)
and learned something new most of the time…
that’s the diff between u and other services…
most others just tell u to buy/sell… don’t explain y…
thanks again…


Made over $1200 with LNKD puts today!




Dude.. I think if you plotted your subscribers you would be going parabolic… Love the multiplier you have going there. Well done.


David –
All great info, thanks. I honestly don’t know how you get it all done so quickly, efficiently and thoroughly day to day. You must never sleep. You are “off the charts”

Thanks for what you do –



You charts and setup are spot on.
Sometimes you need to be quick. But if you miss the trade just look for a new one.

Again GREAT JOB you are one of the BEST on Twitter and for the price it’s a steal.



well …

thank you, only two little words … but seriously you are making such a difference in so many people’s lives

teaching and understanding the little (or not so little) demons that pop up, that sabotage intent and balance and objectivity as well as developing a smooth practice

thank you very much



Thanks for all your hard work. I am still amazed at how many setups are working



I want to personally thank you for opening my mind to your trading methodology. It works, pure and simple. I want you to know my gratitude for your immense research and charts.

It’s fun to see stocks engage and I look forward to your daily updates!

Much appreciated,



Love your plan. It seems to be working for me and has given me some discipline. I love your picks and hard work in charting programs



Hi David,

I continue to LOVE your service !!!



Hi David,
I want to thank you for all you do for your subscribers. Not only the immense amount of work in examining the charts but especially your notes and constant reminders to all of us on how to be successful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Your track record amazes me and I am excited to keep it going.Just wanted to say thanks.


Dude, I got double yahtzee workin here bro



Hey David
Having great trades again today…..more $ in a day than I make in a month at my day job. I continue to refer people to you so hope they are signing up because if not, they are losing $..ha.



Thanks. You have a great service and obviously are the real deal. I have referred others to you



Hi David,I want to congratulate you. Your picks have been unbelievable!


good morning Dave…
thanks for your heads up
i used your method and shorted AAPL
got out in 2 minutes for 10% profit…
left 30% runner… will scale more shortly…
thank you… your method works…
have a nice rest of the day…

After been following you for a year + (march 2012) I learned a lot from you, and kept learning more and more on my own using various technical indicators and analyzing their behavior on vast qty of charts
Thanks David, you have inspired me, your methods made me think outside the box



Hey David. Just wanted to say thanks for everything. I also realized about this is about how to become a better trader rather than being all technical and just following you blindly. I think I think that’s the best part of the subscription. I am up 200% for this month but I am also taking profits setting up stops and I am doing it a lot of it on my own (using ur ROE and basic principles)

Most of the positions I have on are using the house money.
Happy Subscriber,



I just wanted to take a moment to send a thank you.
Because of your system and your methodology of risk management I had my stops moved up quite tightly

If not for your service, I would most likely be closing up my trading account today as the old me wouldn’t have been prepared. Thought you’d like to hear. Thanks for all you do. Please keep it up.



David your service is excellent and improving each day. Thank you for teaching me so much, i cant emphasize on how much you opened my eyes to this complex world of trading.



David – wishing you and your family a very Happy Memorial Day Weekend! We have so much to be grateful for.

I have to thank you, and my family thanks you, too, for all you’ve done for us. My account is up 37% since I started working with you. I know I still need a one on one but figured I would do it when I tracked my strengths and weaknesses for a while to gauge what I need to focus on.

Kind Regards



Dear David
First of all, i have to thank you ,i had a great first week trading with you. Your trades all worked out.

As you have said there is a lot of noise out there,and it does get quite confusing on what or not what to do. It is hard to change ones bad habits ,but this old guy is doing that.
Thanks once again



Hi David,

I think your service and info is top notch.
Thanks for the help and education…

I want to thank you for your service, it is superb.
Hi David,
I’ve been a subscriber for a few months and I could not be happier with your charts and stock picks.
David. I can’t express enough how impressed I am with your service. Keep the Passion and let’s keep making money! Have a great weekend!
I am starting to gain a much better appreciation of your methodology as I gain more understanding of it. I believe it will work for me as long as I am disciplined and follow it rigidly
Hey David,
your service is really great and charts are amazing.
I want to thank you once again for asking and for all the work you put into this. Your monthly fee is in line with other decent services, but the time you clearly put into this is worth a lot more.
I think you run an excellent service. I particularly appreciate your emphasis on managing risk and emotion
You are literally one of the best trend traders i have ever seen. I cant believe how disciplined and efficient you are with your trading. And your ability to manage your service at the same time is truly remarkable.

Great trade on MNST today! I followed your methodology and it turned out perfectly!
Sold half, 3/4, and left a runner that got stopped out at my entry.
Dear David,
Again i have to thank you ,you probably have been told by countless thankful people like myself, but you my friend are the real deal.
I do love trading,but now realize that i need a trading partner like yourself to help me along the way,so i have no problem in paying you.
Many thanks David



Just a quick note to let you know that I appreciate your service. The tweets during the day concerning your thoughts on the market are very useful. Many of them I cut and paste into a word doc for future reference.


Dude, you are killin it….. Again, been doing this for over 20 years… you make us old guys look bad ! lol

Kudos !!!


Your service is amazing and I have recommended to several people. Have a great day.Larry

Realize you don’t need the kudos from me, but just want to tell you I am receiving great value from your service….keep up the great work….and thank you!
I really appreciate everything I have learned from you. You are the real deal!
Going to be able to pay cash for a TSLA!! :
You’re amazing, David!
Thank you!
Triple Yahtzee !!! TSLA twice, AAPL… Let me know when you are running for prez… you rock man !!!!
I’ve been a member almost from day 1 and just wanted to take a moment and say Thank You for everything you have taught me.
Thanks and I’m looking forward to continue learning and profiting from your awesome picks.
Thanks, David. I think YOU are terrific.
I love your charts (and your sense of humor)!! Bravo!! I always pay extra attention to your twitter posts!!

You are doing an awesome job, especially it was so impressive that you managed to keep on open mind after that little correction which I avoided (partially thanks to you for that).


Its pretty awesome what you are doing for us! And the effort is not unrecognized, at least by me.
I have vacation coming up, and will schedule my initial consultation. I have only held off as you do a GREAT JOB of answering 90%+ questions I have.
Thank you and have a good weekend!!!


Dude you are a really good trader. I can’t thank you enough. My $22,000 account just hit $86,000. It finally has started to click for me. I no longer go on Twitter or listen to the news. Price is everything.


Just stopping the old habits / things I was doing, and instead deciding to start following your ideas this week, my account is up over 5% in 3 days. THANK you, sir. I know this environment is unusual, but I’m taking advantage while it’s here under your guidance. Much appreciated.Jackson


thanks! yes you have taught me to be happy with base hits over the marathon, much more sane.


I have to thank you for teaching me to scale and let the runner actually run. Totally changing my account and realizing gains I missed for years.

Have a good weekend man.

Glad to see you will be out on vacation David.
Well deserved.
No one runs a better service. No one.
Hope you and your family have a blast.


I was in Colorado Springs this week on vacation and still made money on two of your trades – entered them in my telephone and loaded in my stops. Your service is simply amazing! It’s not just the trades — it’s the lessons and best practices I’ve learned from your teachings: ROE, charts and debriefs. It’s all sinking in.
Thank you! Sincerely, thank you!
David, I want to also say that the videos are helpful. I like that your not trying to be slick but just deliver the information.
David,These short videos are working very well! Please keep them coming.
great videos, i really like them !

Thank you very much for adding videos. Very informative.

Your words: “Don’t expect anything. Don’t expect us to rollover. Don’t expect us to breakout. Just TRADE PRICE.” Lovin’ it, man. Those points right there you just made on mindset and psychology for successful trading are GOLD. Thanks very much for these videos. I never miss a single one. Have a great week, man.Jackson


Hi David,
Thought you might enjoy this.This was a big trade for me, and I watched it very carefully in terms of risk management.I bought 5 deep in the money October AAPL calls yesterday morning after the news came out about the iPhone release.
This morning, I bought 5 more September calls as AAPL passed above the 200 day moving average (your recommendation).
In two days, I ended up making $20,000, and I sold the September calls toward the end of today. Still holding the 5 October calls that have already doubled.
I have been following you for a year on Twitter. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
By the way, I’m trading from Sarajevo in Bosnia. 🙂
I have been super busy with work, and haven’t been able to devote time to trading for the past several months. I felt bad about missing some of the super trades out there, but was able to make up nicely in two days, using a bit of leverage! 🙂

David F.



these videos are awesome thanks again..huge help.




Hi David,

I’d like to sincerely thank you for your service. Its the best mentorship I’ve had and it really feels like you are my boss/head trader at a trading desk.



Loved the Apple video of you trading in real time



Nice video! Love the real time action! I know it was not easy to record and trade
but thanks!



Thanks for your Tweets of transparency and honesty regarding your
learning curve in this business. It makes me feel better about my
multi-year learning curve, which I am still in. So many posers on
Twits, Twitter, chat rooms, etc, it makes me feel really insecure
sometimes because of the huge egos talking about their ‘big wins’
(which I have no way to verify as true). Some guys out there claim
they’ve been trading for only a year and have made 10x their account
value. That is awfully suspicious to me, when they claim to have only
traded for 12 months. Unless they just got ridiculously lucky. Anyway,
thanks for giving a realistic and honest picture of putting in the
time to become a great trader like you, sir. It really builds up my
confidence that I will get there eventually, but to not expect
overnight success and be self-deluded into thinking this job is
quickly mastered.Jackson



I have been amazed and dazed at what you have accomplished with FCPS. The results have been amazing.

Thanks for all you do! You really are giving people an amazing opportunity to learn. I have a degree from one of the most prestigious colleges in the south. I finished at the top of my class and I can honestly say you are the best professor I have ever learned from. Please keep going!!Regards,Marcus


David – Excellent video! This has helped me realize a lot of things that I am NOT doing right.
Thanks for everything!

I double my account in the last week risking 55%.
You rock.CC

GM Fitz, nice vid this am.. Glad you’re doing more of them cause they’re helping me tremendously! Thanks



Hey David,

The videos are really good information…I have read all of that on the website a few times but it is helpful to have the visual along with your explanation.

Keep up the great work!


David D.


Been a member for just over 2 months and besides the winners, have really learned quite a bit.

Thank You


Hi David,
I have been a member just a few weeks, but already making so much progress on improving my P&L. Patience has been my main problem, I either jump the gun on entering a trade or exit a great trade too soon. Your rules of engagement are very helpful and I am teaching myself to abide them.Also appreciate your frequent communications and constant reinforcement of ROE. You have a great service going!



Hi David

Just wanted to first start out by saying thanks, your subscription so far has been well worth every penny. I’m not able to jump on all the set ups and for the most part whenever I stuck with your rules of engagement and your setups, I have been quite profitable. Had a few set backs but those were often some of my bad habits coming back and biting me.


I cannot overstate to you how moved I am by your points about discipline, conviction, patience, and risk management. I know I already told you how I’ve struggled for years slowly reducing at a snail’s pace the same bad, repetitive habits. I value both your honesty and your victory in finding your way out of the proverbial maze and finding your success, sir. You have certainly earned it. I also have to thank you again for bringing each of these psychological and emotional issues up regularly to your viewers. I think it’s critical that people out here understand and learn from someone like you who has gone through the process, made the mistakes, learned from them and become a great success through hard work and self-awareness. That point is lost on SO MANY OTHER subscription sites, you wouldn’t believe. Hardly anyone talks about psychology in this game, and it’s a real disservice. I’m glad that you talk about it openly and consistently.I respect your personal journey of struggle and ultimate success. I think your readers would agree, it makes you that much more real and therefore trustworthy and gives you true authority on this subject. In fact, your being real and transparent about what each of us must accept as a journey only makes your present and future success that much more respected, unlike some folks on the web who claim to be know-it-alls who have only 6 months of trading experience and are armed with nothing but a twitter account but no real foundation. Thanks, David. Hope to shake your hand someday.

I’ve been away for a few months, but am back and the service has just gotten better and better with educational videos, etc. Wow.

Appreciate it,



Had to write you today as I’m very emotional right now – I made five figures this week because of your help, videos, lessons, rules, and trade set ups. That includes an AAPL loss (I chased – my biggest weakness and duly noted in my journal).
I can’t believe I’m getting to this level! Mind you, still have a lot to learn!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wishing you and your family a great Labor Day weekend!

Hi David,

As a fairly new trader I just wanted to say thanks for all your great work…I have learned a lot in the relatively short time I have been a member…still working very hard to reduce to writing my complete trading plan. Your trade setups really help boost the confidence level.

Thanks again and keep up the excellent service.

Best Regards,
Thank you very much for your knowledge, for the first time in my life i’ve finished the month with much more profits then losses.

Thank you for posting the videos, very informative and useful. I really appreciate your hard work.



I just wanna say you’re crushing the market.
Thanks for your help trading!


Dude you rock!!! I’ve developed a trading strategy(with your methodology) that’s good for my situation. Following your teachings I’m up over 550% this month alone 😀




Hi David,Sure you get loads of emails etc so will keep it short. Just read through all your content, all looks really good thank you!I followed you last year & really enjoyed your CWUS.
The only reason I never subscribed was I didn’t want just trades sending to me, as I wanted to learn for myself & not just take trades from a tipster. Reading your information its clear that you want to deliver the ingredients for people to learn to trade themselves so I am glad I have made the jump having read all your content now.
I have been following / reading IBD for 12 months, now my head is right (I think!) risk management is #1 I am looking forward to adding your techniques & trade ideas into the mix.
Looking forward to it!



David,Thanks for the best week yet with your service. I feel lucky to have found your business. I’ve learned immensely valuable info. I’ve re-read all of the FCPS material 6-7 times. It’s to the point that your service is one of the milestones of my life. I had hopes of finding a service that matches well with my style and this has turned out to be everything and more.

Chris K.


Currently, I believe I have a solid grasp of your trading methodology.
I find your service to be value added. Its a great foundation for trading rules and parameters along with an additional source for alerting of great setups. Thanks again. Look forward to talking in the future.



Mr. Patrick,
I am writing to express my thanks for your service. I have tried out several sites trying to improve my trading and wasn’t satisfied with any of them until I decided to try yours out. I feel I have learned a huge amount from following you on twitter/stocktwits and now your site for the last 3 weeks.
Thank you



Thanks for keeping everything in perspective and sticking with the plan until proven otherwise. Your 16 years experience is as good as gold!




I appreciate everything you do. It has changed my trading and this has EASILY been the best year of my short trading “career

Mike. M


Your the best there is and I have tried to follow many!



Hey David,
I just wanted to say how impressed I have been with your analysis but more importantly with your trade management style. It has been my weakest link for many years of trading and I have learned a lot these past couple of months watch you scalp and let runners go, then roll them higher.



By the way BEST month EVER !!!


Hey David:

Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the great service. And don’t change as you get more successful. Looking for a long term Buckeye relationship. Fyi, I just furnished my family room with furniture from profits.




I know I have been a “silent follower” over the last several months but I wanted to write you a brief note and thank you for what you do, for your hard work, for your daily e-mails and tweets, and most of all for your incredible trading success. As I mentioned several months ago when we had our 1 on 1 consultation, I have a very demanding job that does not allow me a lot of time for trading. I have never really been able to take the time to learn how to trade options (which I know I must do). But just following your lead and buying the stock only has led to incredible returns this year. My portfolio is up 42% YTD and it would be much greater if I didn’t occasionally stray from your rules and try to do things on my own. I realize how important discipline, patience and rules are to trading success…I am definitely learning from my mistakes and I am very appreciative of how much you have taught me over the last several months. Every single morning, I find myself can’t waiting to get your e-mail. You make it fun and more importantly, your incredible results speak for themselves. I can’t wait to learn more from you because the more I know, the more I realize how much I have yet to learn. Thanks again for making a huge difference in my life, and the life of my family.



Hi David,
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your service.
I have a little more free time and am wholly following your work. I find your abilities astounding and truly appreciate being a member. I am slowly building back my portfolio after years of floundering.
Thanks for the long hours and hard work you put in for your members. It is appreciated.


I appreciate the psychological points that need to be repeated daily for traders just like me and every other struggling trader (~ 90% of us) honest enough to admit it. The points you made today are the most important aspects of trading and ironically, the least covered aspects of trading on a majority of trading sites and literature. I personally know this to be true. I’ve subbed to many pay sites, chat rooms, webinars, books and articles, but discovering you on StockTwits and Twitter over a year ago was a huge game changer for me.
So THANK YOU for putting these criticalmental and emotional boundaries out there for all of us on a regular basis. Traders need it more than they realize. Again, I really don’t think most traders who follow your service understand what a huge favor you’re doing them by reminding them of the elite trader’s mindset. Few people, in my opinion, ever cover this or understand its value. Trade ideas are everywhere, but it’s self-mastery and a consistent method that yield the results. Thanks again.


As a new subscriber, I enjoy the video updates. One video update covers 10,000 tweets


On October, 6th I bought your service for one month and I just want to let you know that I would like to change my subscription to annual. I really like your service and I’m convinced that your service will improve my trading.
Till now, I didn’t take just one of your trades because i had not much time for trading and i didn’t like actual market conditions. But i studied your homepage, posts and charts after work and I’m sure your trading experience will help me to become a better trader and maybe one day I can reach my goal, becoming a professional trader. For this, I work very hard. In the next few weeks I will send you a letter where I will write you my full story. Why I began with trading etc. But this will take some time because my english isn’t the best and so I have to think about in german what to tell you and then I have to translate it and this takes time for me. But after taking the annual subscription I have much time to write you this letter 😉 I really look forward to the next year as I’ll have the patience I need to get the right trades.

One note in the end: I like your service because you just give facts, facts, facts. No noise with a chatroom, not too much information. And the most positive thing I like is that you tell when to trade less and when aggressive. There are lots of people out there who give trading ideas over ideas and then they say: “Hey! Look at my trade!!! This was my trade and it was phenomenal. The stock went up 20% in this market.” or something like that. But they don’t say anything about his losses or when they were wrong. That makes you authentic!
So, thanks for your hard work!



It’s been a while, just thought to drop you a quick note. Service is working great and sincerely appreciate all your effort in managing it for all of us, although I definitely have lots of room for improvement. I am applying ROE.

Dear David,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience with me today.
Not only are you a great trader but you are a great teacher.
I learn from you every day whether from analyzing your daily stock picks, your videos or your twitter monologue.
You also have me looking within myself to figure out how I can become a better trader.
I promise I will work on staying patient while trades setup and having better risk management.
I look forward to your S&P futures videos.
Thanks again,
Good morning,
I’ve been with you only a few days now and I’ve learned so much, especially wrt ROE and price structure. Your consultation did so much for me.I hope I drew it good and it really is a W V (lol). I’m using the 15 minute chart for drawing but trading the 5 minute chart because I feel I can see the structure better that way
Thank you very very very much. Time to practice scaling.
Have a great day
Don’t change a thing about your service. It is beyond excellent. Absolutely love all the improvements and additions you have made over the past few years. The lessons I have learned from you have been invaluable and impact my work and my approach to our products and strategies frequently. You completely changed the way I viewed trading and investing. I am extremely grateful for the time you pour into your subscribers and I know you will continue to see amazing and deserved success. I have recommended your service to numerous people and will continue to do so as its the best (out of dozens and dozens) I’ve ever been subscribed to by far. If you are ever in Puerto Rico, I would love to treat you to dinner or a drink and point you in the direction of some fabulous places to go with your boys. All the best…
Hi David,
Before I start, I just wanted to let you know that from over 1 year of being subscribed to you, I have learnt a lot from you. You are one of the smartest guys I have followed on stocktwits/twitter and there was a reason I did take your subscription over others.
I have been active in the markets for the past 4-5 years (with my day job) but the last year has been truly the most educational. So thank you for all that you do.

I am so pleased that I stayed with your teachings and put in the time to follow and learn. I am a slow learner I guess, but finally seem to be ‘getting it ” trades are paying and I am more confident with my entry points and exits. Your teachings are the best !
thanks David for all you do you are the real deal !

Hey David. My name is Tony and I am a member of your service. Let me start out by saying how amazed I am day in and day out with your calls. You truely have a gift.


Hi David!
I’ve been a subscriber since this Spring and I wanted to say it’s been a pleasure watching you trade. I’m not active on twitter, but I do read every single tweet that you post (@fitzstockcharts ), all of your posts on your website and watch the videos religiously. You’re the best trader that I’ve ever seen and I’ve learned a ton from you. Really, I can’t thank you enough for improving my own trading.
Your clarifications are much appreciated as it gives me a clearer idea as to your risk management.
From snowy Canada, I want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
Hello David,
I’ve been a member for fitzstock charts since mid last year. I very pleased with the services. And would like to thank you for making me a better trader by watching you. I love trading and hope to do it for a very long time.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hi David,
Just wanted to let you know I am really enjoying the service (again) so far.
I am trying (and succeeding, for the most part) in exercising patience and discipline. As I absolutely have hated to scale in the past (and I still do to a certain extent), I have begun to see that scaling can keep a winning trade from turning into a losing trade. Stepping away from the “game” for a few years has also given me a new perspective that I don’t need to trade every day and take every trade.
I am having my best week in terms of trading in many years and I appreciate all of your insight and perspective.

Hey David. Just wanted to take the time and say thanks for all your hard work this year. You have helped me immensely. I hope you have a great holiday and I look forward to another great year.


Hi David,

I wish to thank you for the hard work and dedication you bring to your service. I am looking forward to a prosperous new year together with you. Thanks again for all you do.

Happy Holidays,

So markets are down 4 days in a row and truthfully, I’m clueless because all my accounts are dark green.

LVS … YOKU… LNG … AAPL … even TSLA …

You = rockstar

Hi David, thanks for the great video update, and even better, thanks for the amazing education you provide us during this past year. I learned huge stuff thanks to your clear and straight forward method.

All the best and looking forward for another amazing year.


Hey there David,
I joined your service when it launched. I want you to know something.
In reference to paying for something, I can NOT remember a time I have been as satisfied as I am with FCPS. A lot of that has to do with your pureness of heart. You are remarkably good at what you do, and have your members best interests at heart.
Merry Christmas!



I just wanted to say you’re f-ing awesome.
I’m super impressed with the service, even more so with your ability to stay level headed, focused and unemotional – that’s huge!

I look forward to working with you more and perhaps doing a trader consultation in the new year


Thanks for all your help this year. I came into the year a professional bag holder and now after a year of your service, I know I can make money in any market condition. The knowledge I have gained from you, from the educational book recommendations to your insight on chart reading, has put me on the path to making money in the market for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to learn even more this year. Have a happy holiday.

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