Fitzstock Charts scans thousands of charts searching for price pattern repetition. Many times emotions, psychology and sentiment repeat themselves over time with price structure.  We have capitalized on many trades using these Historical Charts Pattern Comparisons (HCPC) incorporated with our trading  Rules of Engagements.  I have listed some of these analogs below, we were able to capitalize on since launching the service in 2013

hcpc 700x68 - Charts

2020 HCPC

cgc 700x442 - Charts shopaapl 2 700x354 - Charts tslaaapl 700x354 - Charts


1980 HCPC

2001 HCPC


Protected: current HCPC

Panic of 1907 vs Banking Crisis 2008

1907hcpc 700x354 - Charts

1994 Naz/2018 RUT

nazrut9418 700x354 - Charts

Naz 2007/2018

2007 700x354 - Charts


1986 700x354 - Charts


19962017 700x354 - Charts

-posted 2/28/18

2018 03 01 TOS CHARTS 1 700x354 - Charts

Nasdaq 2000/2017 HCPC

qqq 700x354 - Charts

ES_F 11/2016 Daily vs 5 minute ROE 9/2017 (same pattern repeating itself)nov 700x354 - Charts 2017 09 12 TOS CHARTS 700x354 - Charts

IBM 1999/NVDA 2017

IBM 700x354 - Charts

1995/2017 HCPC update

djia95 700x530 - Charts

hcpc 1 700x432 - Charts

SPY/QQQ divergence expanding like  1999

spyqqq 700x354 - Charts

Bonds 1999 vs 2016/17

bonds 1 700x354 - Charts

1995 vs 2016/17 SPX

1995hcpc 700x354 - Charts

XLF 2000 vs 2013 (posted 12/2012)

Mentioned in Business Insider 1/9/2013

 David Patrick (@fitzstock2004): Bull In The Financials! 2000 Analog

“David uses 2000 as an analog for what we might see from the financials (XLF) in 2013. Click through on the chart for extensive notes. A good one to follow over the course of the year to see if and how this correlation might unfold.”

xlf - Charts


JPM 2000 vs 2012-2013

jpm3 1024x627 700x429 - Charts


IYT 2010 vs 2013(posted 02/2013)

iyt 700x381 - Charts


AMZN 2007 vs 2013

amzn 700x382 - Charts


DJIA 1987-1991 vs 2008-2013 SPX (posted 03/2013)

djia9 700x435 - Charts

spy3 1024x546 700x373 - Charts
spy1 700x373 - Charts


CF historical chart comparison (03/2013)

cf4 700x365 - Charts


AAPL 2012 vs GOOG 2013 (posted 04/2013)

goog60 700x364 - Charts

googaapl 700x372 - Charts

original 13091041 700x368 - Charts


SPX 2004 vs 2013 (posted 04/18/13)

spy1 1 700x367 - Charts


TLT “MA” topping pattern.  HCPC to 2006

tlt 700x369 - Charts



baba 700x373 - Charts

If you are under performing the stock market with your trades and investments, it is never too late to upgrade to Fitzstock Charts


I look forward to helping you meet all your investment and trading goals.

David Patrick

Fitzstock Charts, LLC

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