4 thoughts on “QQQ”

  1. I have to say awesome graphics. i can tell you put a lot of thought into the extra bling. I have a short cut on my desktop for a quick look of your stock twits posts. Thanks for all you do.

  2. Hey David,
    Isn’t the short squeeze because of apple? With aapl still being all over the place (and 15% of QQQ) what makes you want to jump this train? I lost a lot with aapl so would really like to know before I join you 😉

  3. Ron,
    thnx for the comment.

    i dont have all the answers, and nobody does.

    Apple chart has been broken for some time(i think i have pounded the table on that one). Be patient and wait for the best odds entries….GL

    see ya soon, when Fitzstock Charts premium subscription service is active


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